close up woman with knee ache


Hip and Leg

Hip and knee pain can have many different causes, such as overuse, incorrect footwear, weakness in surrounding muscles and trauma, to mention but a few. 

The most common conditions we see are:

  • Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (sometimes called hip bursitis) – the bursa and surrounding muscles become irritated and painful 
  • Impingement in the hip – contact between the ball of the thigh bone (femur) and the hip socket (acetabulum) is not optimal. 
  • Hip and knee replacement surgery
  • Groin strain
  • Arthritis 
  • Muscle strain or tear of the thigh or the calf 
  • hip flexor strain
  • Fat pad impingement in the knee 
  • Runner’s knee – pain around the kneecap (patella). 
  • ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) repairs rehabilitation 

Your treatment journey will include help with alleviating pain and identifying and correcting the factors that are contributing to the problem. The ultimate goal is to help you gain the strength and confidence to return to the activities that you enjoy.  

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ornare vel purus et blandit. Mauris viverra metus in viverra pharetra. Vestibulum dolor risus, commodo nec posuere ac, iaculis non mauris. Quisque euismod convallis turpis, consectetur aliquet ligula lobortis nec. Morbi nisi urna, venenatis sed euismod at, pellentesque eu enim. Fusce porta diam finibus neque vulputate, id accumsan odio blandit. Cras tempor sit amet nunc non bibendum.
Mauris aliquam, dui vel faucibus cursus, nisi ex vulputate elit, ac tempus libero justo quis dui. Integer vel lacus tempus, rutrum mauris ut, bibendum velit.
Morbi non vestibulum sapien. Pellentesque pulvinar commodo erat, id placerat neque lacinia nec. Pellentesque faucibus enim eu mattis pretium. Maecenas ante metus, auctor euismod magna id, tristique mollis libero. Nam molestie ligula non ornare accumsan. Fusce at turpis et massa imperdiet porta. Donec iaculis malesuada quam. Cras ac nisl ut nunc molestie facilisis. Mauris egestas, sem eu porta pellentesque, orci massa rutrum sapien, maximus euismod massa ligula et neque. Fusce et condimentum justo. Proin euismod, nisi sit amet bibendum tempus, augue lacus maximus tellus, sed iaculis est justo vel nunc. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut auctor eget nunc sit amet consequat. Maecenas orci enim, semper a turpis lacinia, sodales gravida nibh. Pellentesque eu nisl nec erat mollis efficitur.
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