Pain and inflammation can sometimes be managed using Western Medical Acupuncture as part of an individualised treatment plan. It involves the use of sterile, single-use, disposable needles of different sizes, inserted at identified acupuncture points following a thorough assessment. Some practitioners also use Trigger Point Acupuncture or Dry Needling to target specific muscle groups for relaxation. Our physios are licensed to use either acupuncture or dry needling within the scope of physiotherapy practice.
Trigger point acupuncture
Trigger point acupuncture (sometimes called dry needling) may also be used to facilitate relaxation in specific muscles following traumas, for longer-term unresolved muscle pain, or as a means of increasing muscle length in order to aid stretch and rehabilitation. The needle is inserted into the affected muscle until the tissue is felt to relax under the needle and then removed. Trigger point needling often produces an effect much more quickly.
Following assessment inserted needles can be attached to the electrodes of an electroacupuncture machine. These units are designed to deliver variable amplitudes and frequencies of electrical impulses. Low-frequency electroacupuncture is intended to contribute to the mechanism of pain reduction, especially by stimulating chemicals in the brain that aid analgesia, relaxation and sleep.
Many conditions may be helped by acupuncture. Presently there is evidence to support its use in the treatment of nausea and vomiting, tension-type headache, migraine headache, low back pain and osteoarthritic knee pain. There is inconclusive evidence for its use in other conditions, although patients may feel relaxed and less stressed following treatment.
Paul kimber2023-08-10 My family and I have been here a few times over the years with various sporting injuries. The service is always very friendly and we have all been fixed with great treatment and advice. I highly recommend them. Ross Williams2023-08-02 I visited Nicola with a neck problem and from the outset I felt that she understood me. She commenced treatment with confidence and great knowledge of her skills and released the tense muscles almost immediately. I would not hesitate to contact Nicola and her team. They are always very accommodating and helpful, not to mention having a carpark at the premises. Thank you Nicola 🙂 Ian Rud2023-07-27 I've been using Vineyards recently with an issue which probably came about from over doing it at the gym. Walking was becoming a problem...Esme was superb. She is knowledgeable, personable and professional, and willing to answer all sorts of questions relating to muscle and general health. After a few sessions, and some exercises I'm fit again! So a big thankyou, and glad to highly recommend Vineyards Physio Max Jenns2023-06-14 Friendly staff, super informative and very knowledgeable - definitely recommend James Pollock2023-05-10 Excellent care and friendly environment Jayne Pincus2023-03-31 Went to see Nicola with a bad back ache. She gave me one session of physio and gave me some exercises. Back is now wonderful - Really pleased Alison Collins2023-03-29 I was recommended Rachel at Physio Vineyards for some vestibular physiotherapy, following a diagnosis of labrynthitis; she completely fixed me in just over a month! I almost crawled into the first appointment, having to hold onto things as I was so dizzy. She worked on some basic exercises with me, gave me some more to do at home, and helped my inner ear to rebalance again. I'm so grateful that she got me back to normal life and work, and would recommend Physio Vineyards to everyone. I always found it easy to book appointments, and everyone I met there was extremely helpful. Peter King2023-03-22 This is my second bout of appointments with Nicola Nash for two separate and debilitating injuries. On both occasions she has been superb throughout, her treatment getting me walking again. She is very professional and knowledgable and listens to what you are saying and applies a variety of treatments seeking the best outcome. I do not usually give testimonies, but in this case I make an exception. 1st Class treatment. All the staff are very pleasant too. Cath Felthouse2023-01-04 I used Vineyard Physio for help after an ankle sprain. The system for booking is very easy and I was seen the next day. Rachel was great and my ankle recovered quickly with her help and guidance. Highly recommended. Liz Eksteen2022-11-29 I knew it was about time that I did something about a shoulder issue. The Vineyards were very reassuring, advised me what the problem was, eased it for me and advised me of exercises to help alleviate the problem. I feel so much better now I know what the issue is and what to do about it going forward. Everything at The Vineyards was excellent from the friendly reception to the great treatment and advice.Google rating score: 4.9 of 5, based on 16 reviews